I am interested in leveraging curvature in differential geometry to understand problems in topology, algebraic geometry, and complex analysis. More specifically, I'm interested in:
Curvature aspects of Kähler geometry, Hermitian geometry, and Finsler geometry. In particular, the existence of Einstein metrics or metrics with distinguished curvature properties.
Kobayashi hyperbolic manifolds, and more generally, the algebro-geometric properties of complex manifolds such as the positivity of the canonical bundle, distribution of rational and entire curves.
The Bochner technique, most notably the Schwarz lemma.
More details can be found on my research page, or my list of publications and talks.

I joined the University of Queensland in 2022, as a postdoctoral research fellow, funded by an ARC discovery grant held by Artem Pulemotov, Wolfgang Ziller, and Mark Gould. Since the start of 2025, I have been funded by an ARC discovery grant held by Ramiro Lafuente, Artem Pulemotov, and Christoph Böhm. In 2024, I was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship for my research proposal with Franc Forstnerič on curvature aspects of hyperbolic and elliptic complex manifolds.
I completed my Ph.D. in August of 2022, at the Australian National
University and the Beijing International Center for
Mathematical Research, under the supervision of Ben Andrews
and Gang Tian. My Ph.D. thesis was on Complex Manifolds of Hyperbolic and Non-Hyperbolic-Type. Before Beijing, I graduated from the Australian National University, with first class honours. My undergraduate thesis was on Cartan’s Theorem B for Stein spaces, under the supervision of Alexander Isaev.
I have a mathematics focused YouTube channel that has received some non-trivial attention, evidenced in part by the subscriber count exceeding 14,000.